德唯特是全球陸域及離岸風場業界首屈一指的獨立營運與維護服務供應商,業務涵蓋風場資產的維護、維修與查驗。本公司在全球 10 個國家設立營運據點,員工總數超過 2000 人,2018 年更於台灣設立首個亞洲實體及亞太中心。我們期望成為台灣再生能源之旅的重要助力,因而需要您加入這日漸茁壯的團隊。
Deutsche Windtechnik is the world’s No. 1 independent operations and maintenance service provider for on- & offshore wind farms, executing maintenance, repairs and inspections on all assets of a wind farm. We operate worldwide in 10 countries with over 2,100 employees in total and since 2018 our first Asian entity and APAC hub in Taiwan started. We want to be a major part of Taiwan’s renewable energy journey and we need you in our growing team.
我們擬聘僱一名電機工程師,負責支援本公司團隊。日常工作地點位於台灣西海岸各個據點。本項工作為全職的長期僱傭合約。最早到職日為 2023 年 1 月 1 日。
We are looking for a electrical engineer to support our team. Regular work location will be at various sites at Taiwan’s west coast. It will be a full-time permanent employment contract. Earliest start date is 1st January 2023.
Join now the growing renewable energy industry and become part of world changing movement. Are you interested?
We are looking forward to receiving your job application in the near future.