Electrical System Engineer:
1. Knowledge of electrical fundamental i.e. switchgear, wiring, crimping etc.
2. Selecon of electrical items according to requirements.
3. Evaluang systems’ safety, reliability, and performance.
4. Design, control, and implement electrical systems and products
5. Develop manufacturing processes according to global engineering codes and standards.
6. Manage Electrical engineering works and deliver them on me.
7. Deep knowledge of electrical manufacturing processes.
8. Problem-solving abilies.
9. Strong organizaonal and communicaon skills.
10. Idenfy customer requirements.
11. Design systems and products.
12. Read design specificaons and technical drawings.
13. Research suitable soluons and esmate costs and mescales.
14. Make models and prototypes of products using three-dimensional/2D design soware.
15. Design and conduct tests.
16. Record, analyses and interpret test data.
17. Propose modificaons and retest products
18. Qualify the final product or system
19. Prepare product documentaon,
20. Monitor a product in use to improve on future design.
21. Knowledge for handle the Under Warranty product.
22. Service and maintain equipment.
23. Strong knowledge of Rolling stock project.
24. Knowledge of HVAC system electrical design and controller working parameters