BESIX Environment is the independent entity within BESIX Group focusing on the development, engineering, construction, startup & commissioning and O&M of projects within the field of water and sustainable energy & hydrogen infrastructure.
BESIX Environment is within these projects in charge of the process and MEICA scope. Projects vary from waste water treatment & water reuse plants for municipal or industrial clients including technologies for sludge treatment and biogas treatment, to industrial applications for process water (process, cooling water, demi water, ultrapure water), potable water, pumping stations and turbines,... as Biomass or Waste-to Energy plants using biochemical or thermal processes and infrastructure related to hydrogen production, transport and storage.
Primary role for BESIX Environment is mainly within the EPC scope, but in specific projects the scope is extended including a full Operations & Maintenances service contract.
(S)He shall manage Electrical, Instrumentation & Automation aspects of projects in tender and execution, including basic and detailed engineering, purchasing, supervision of installation and commissioning.
The responsibility will also involve research of best solution, selection and follow-up of suppliers, subcontractor in coordination with the other scope for miscellaneous type and size of projects in Benelux mainly and eventually broader Europe & International.
The EIA Engineer will be responsible for the electrical, instrumentation and automation basic design and selection for projects in tender and execution.
In proposal stage (s)he will:
In execution stage (s)he will:
(S)he is prepared to work abroad for short periods of time.